言情小说网>玄幻奇幻>觊觎神子的我堕天了>第52章 Postscript (English)



  Please allow me to quote the lines from Milton’s poetry Paradise Lost to begin my postscript of this novel.


  Invoke thy aid to my advent’rous song,

  That with no middle flight intends to soar

  Above the Aonian mount, while it pursues

  Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.


  “Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme” also explains the attempting efforts of the work, as I mentioned before, I had always desired to write some epic adventures.

  Lance (兰斯), or Lorne (洛恩), is the heroic character of the fantastical novel, with Ian (伊安), and other main characters vividly presenting a grand spectacle of the fantasy world.

  I have to admit that many of the names are borrowed from Western myths, apart from two main characters, which are created by myself, and Hill (希尔), the High Priest.

  Anyway, the whole writing process is quite enjoyable.

  Sometimes I even admired myself for how could I so perfectly integrated the classical legends, self-created special characters as well as the experiences and feelings of my own just magically together.

  I am proud of the novel, as I always have been, believing it’s definitely the best ever.

  I am proud of myself, as I always have been, hoping to achieve more in novel writing.


  Lexi (逸息)

  Midnight, 2.4.2024.