言情小说网>穿越重生>拥有系统后的打工人生>第90章 要遵守校规哦!17

  I aim to grow both personally and academically, and I believe that this transition will be a crucial step in my overall growth.

  In conclusion, while leaving my old school was bittersweet, I'm confident that my decision to transfer was the right one. I'm grateful for the experiences I had in the past, and I'm eager to create new memories and accomplishments at my current school. Here's to new beginnings and the exciting journey ahead!

  Thank you for listening.”








  “ 1. Formation: According to the traditional theory, the eight planets in our solar system were formed through a process of accretion. In the early stages of the solar system's formation, approximately 99% of the matter gathered towards the center to form the sun. The remaining scattered material revolved around the sun, gradually coalescing into planets. After a long period of collisions and gravitational interactions, the scattered fragments merged to form the eight planets. However, Earth was initially just a chaotic collection of matter. It took tens of thousands of years for the planet to cool and solidify, resulting in its preliminary shape. More tens of thousands of years passed before Earth's gravity trapped gases released from its interior, forming the atmosphere. The atmosphere consisted of hydrogen and oxygen, which combined to form water. With the radiation of the sun, Earth's electric field, magnetic field, and suitable living environment, organic molecules emerged from the water, marking the beginning of life.

  2. Orbit: The eight planets move along elliptical orbits around the sun. The distance between Earth and the sun varies over the course of a year, with the planet closest to the sun ( Mercury) having the smallest orbit and the planet farthest away (Neptune) having the largest orbit. The orbits are inclined relative to the sun's equator, resulting in seasonal variations on the planets.

  3. Influences: The eight planets have a significant impact on each other and on their moons and asteroids. Planetary interactions such as gravitational pulls and tidal forces shape the orbits and geology of their celestial companions. For example, Earth's tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between Earth and the moon.